DEDZA – Are You Ready !!!

Just a few days, and we will be visiting the  CHIMBIYA-DEDZA DISTRICT to hold our next National Repentance and Prayer for Peace Day Meeting / 1-day Conference…!!!!

We are ready to come – and our plans are sorted…as we are very exited in what God is doing, ’cause we are seeing Him move in our beloved Country – Malawi…and want to bring His blessings to you on Wednesday the 15h !!!!

And it is our heart’s cry that He will save and touch each and every person in our country..!!

Thus: DEDZA – Are you Ready for God’s move and are you hungry enough for Him to touch you !!!

This is your time… Don’t let it go past you…!!!

Grab it with everything you have and make a plan to attend the morning’s session…and come and pray with us, and intercede for your district and our country as a whole, and for everything we are facing as a nation..  With God all things are possible – and He can bring a change in every situation in no time.

You will be sorry if you missed it…!!!



2 Chronicles 7 v 14  If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 


Below is a link where you can download the planned Program for the day – please print it, and come prepared to pray with us !!!


Hope to see you all there !!!


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