Bridal Hope Chest / Glory Box Initiative Started by NDR

Bridal Hope Chest / Glory Box Initiative Started by NDR

National Day of Repentance (NDR) USA has started a New Initiative – called the “Bridal Hope Chest” (also referred to as the “Glory Box”), to assist with funding people in desperate need of food or medical assistance…etc.

Pastor Jeff Daly, from NDR, heard of Ps Naomi Chitheka, part of the National Repentance Malawi Team, being so sick and in need of medical attention, and decided – together with the Woman’s Repentance Group in Corpus Christi, Texas, USA (who have been studying Pastor Daly’s materials on repentance since the fall of 2019),  to contribute to Pastor Naomi’s medical needs as well as food support for her and her family, so she can concentrate on getting well.

Pastor Naomi is the first person to receive a Bridal Hope Chest blessing from NDR andall of the team is rejoicing with her!

Below are a few photos and a video of the National Repentance Malawi team delivering the money to Pastor Naomi by surprising her at home..!!

Just see the joy on her face…smiling all the time…

And this is exactly what this Initiative is all about – Bringing HOPE to the Bride of Christ – letting them know they are not alone and there are people caring – even if it is from the other side of the earth. We care for each other, and we stand together in time of need.

We pray this initiative will bring HOPE to many throughout Africa and the world, and that God will bless everyone donating to this initiative, because this initiative will not be in vain, but will prosper for what it is sent out to do…!!!


Should you wish to donate to this initiative – please contact Ps Jeffrey Daly from NDR, and he will assist you in distributing your donation.

But for now – we rejoice with Pastor Naomi, and we pray for her a speedy recovery..!


A Great day as we Launched Bridal Hope chest in Lilongwe..!!


To God be all the Glory !!!

~~ AMEN ~~

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