July 4, A Third Global Day of Repentance
Dear Spiritual Warriors for Jesus Christ,
Close to 700 intercessors from 26 nations have participated in the last two global days of repentance. Each time we encouraged participants to spend some time alone with the Lord, as each saw fit, during the 24 hours. No conference calls, no speakers were involved. It was a time with Him to confess our sins, to receive His forgiveness, and then, exercising one’s free will, to repent, replacing an old sin stronghold with His Word as one’s new direction. Repentance at the root is personal. It’s a change of mind towards Godly character that others can observe. Joy and more Holy Spirit fruit shows up! It’s a wonderful gift from God!
When any one of us repents, the Bride is that much more cleansed, that much more ready for our very soon returning Bridegroom. (Ephesians 5: 25-27). The Lord is calling us to receive a washing of water by His Word so that He can present us to Himself as a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, holy, and without blemish.
Each global day of repentance provides individuals with time for actual repentance, thereby cleansing from old sin strongholds. The Bride, across nations and denominations, thereby moves in the direction of the early body of believers in Jerusalem who “were of one heart and one soul.” (Acts 4: 32)
Using the model of Nehemiah and Daniel we also encouraged each participant to confess the sins of his or her family and nation.
Lastly, we encouraged prayers of intercession for the one nation focused on during that global day of repentance. The LORD is looking for those who will “stand in the gap.” Ezekiel 22:30.
The last two global days of repentance focused on Malawi and your prayers have been answered! A Godly man, Lazarus Chakwera, bold to honor Jesus Christ publicly, has just been elected President!
The LORD loves it when we, His people, called by His Name, humble ourselves, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways. It’s at that point—when we remember and turn to the LORD-— that He hears from heaven, forgives sin and heals a land’s Godly roots.
On this third global day of repentance, this coming July 4, the focus will be on the United States of America.
The United States today is facing intense physical and spiritual battles because its people have not lived up the Mayflower Compact established by the Pilgrims who arrived 400 years ago. That Compact was based on God’s Glory, His Presence, and His Covenant. We have taken on other idols including ourselves. There have been days of prayer but the last day of humbling ourselves in national repentance was in 1918.
There are four main prayer points:
- Pray that Americans will return to His Covenant, fearing God and not men.
- Pray that through His Word, including Acts 17:26, the spirit of racism will be exposed as a lie of the enemy; and Amerians will love others fully, all of us having been made in God’s image from one blood.
- Pray that with the fullness of the Holy Spirit there would be a healing of all divisions in the Body of Christ in the United States, thereby also healing this nation He founded to proclaim His Liberty to all mankind.
- Pray that the shedding of innocent blood, including the ongoing murder of the unborn, would stop. May the powerful conviction of the Holy Spirit move on the hearts and minds of all Americans to put an end to the killing of the innocents.
To join us please go to www.globalrepent.com.
God bless you,
a dalyWord on this July 4 global day of repentance
YouTube: nationaldayofrepentance
The Lord is blessing this ministry which is solely focused on encouraging repentance, personally and in nations, to make us, His Bride, ready. Repentance is vital in these end times; would you like to be engaged with this exciting experience?
Do you have time to volunteer some of the administrative talents God has given you? The Lord is at the center of this work. This ministry could be part of your calling! We are also putting together an advisory board. Pray to see if the Lord is calling you to volunteer. Please contact us: pastorjeff@repentday.com
Food shortages are growing in many nations. As funds come in, NDR has begun distributing them in any nation to pastors or priests who have been 1) teaching and modeling repentance and 2) have a real food shortage among their flocks. Given our goal to assist the Bride to cleanse before the Bridegroom’s soon return, this NDR special fund is called the “Bridal Hope Chest.” Others may call it the “Glory Box.” Pastor Phiri from Lilongwe, Malawi, needing food for himself and his flock was one such recipient.
Please pray, and as the Lord leads, please donate to the Bridal Hope Chest.

National Day of Repentance | www.repentday.com
Day of Repentance, P.O. Box 1302, Middletown, CA 95461