Latest News on Covid-19 in Malawi
Latest News on Covid-19 infections in Malawi:
Below is a summary taken from the Statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO) – Website as at the 28th of April 2020.
There are now 45 out of the 54 Countries within Africa that are Infected by the Virus – But Malawi is still one of the least impacted countries…!!
Only 22 Countries that has less than 100 people infected and only 13 countries below the 50 mark – and Malawi being the 11th out of 12 countries below the 40 mark still…
Here are the Stats according to reported cases to WHO:
TOTAL Confirmed cases:
Cumulated confirmed cases: 36
Proportion of confirmed cases over the total in the WHO African Region: 0.17%
Attack rate: 0.18 per 100 000 people
Total Alive and Recovered
Alive: 29
Recovered: 4
Total Deaths
Number of deaths: 3
Case Fatality Ratio: 8.33%
WCO dashboard:
MoH website:
COVID-19 alert number: (+265) 887371288
Malawi trends
And with feedback received from the ground – 16 infections are from one place in Kaliyeka Lilongwe – thus being the “hotspot” at present…
We are praying for Malawi that all infections will be contained in the relevant areas, and that there will be little to no further spread within the country.
We are thanking God for every Recovery, and we are praying with the families that have lost their loved ones due to this virus…
May God comfort them all, and give them strength and hope in this time.
And if you feel led to assist with any size donation, in order to assist the National Repentance Malawi Team to bless more people with Face Masks and Soap, please don’t hesitate to contact Rev Dr. Edward and he together with his team will gladly make use of every donation to support his people in this time…
DON’T FORGET to join us in our Global Day of Repentance – starting with Malawi on the 1st of MAY 2020 @ 12:00 CAT Mid-day for 24hour Prayer and Repentance of various sins…!!!