Bishop Joseph Kazembe

The Ministry of Repentance has brought many changes in my personal life and my community

It is clear to me that since we devoted ourselves into the ministry of Repentance many things has happened in my personal life and my community not forgetting what God is doing through this ministry in Malawi as a whole.

It is interesting to know that many people do not understand  about ministry of Repentance. And it is for this reason that our passion forces us to go out and gathering the people, teaching them the true meaning of Repentance and how God promised to bring healing to the nations.

This has built up my faith in the Lord, and God started revealing many things from the scriptures, which make people to understand now that we are still serving the same God of Israel who never changes… He is still the same yesterday, today and forever..!!!

And when He promised those people His ability to heal the sick nation through Repentance, we can trust that He will do the same today for us.

I have made a list below of some of the things which this ministry of Repentance has done, or achieved and witnessed:

  1. Repentance ministry has done many good things in my personal life. My life is not the same l have grown in favor.
  2. Repentance has stopped many cases of violence in my country. In 12 months people thought we will have blood shed and many predicted it, but alas our God is awesome..!!
  3. Repentance has helped our judges in Malawi to do the right thing without fear or favor. That is why Malawi is still enjoying peace and there are no fighting among our people
  4. Repentance has termed the spread of the corona virus – But  it’s only in Malawi that we registered only three deaths to this pandemic since we first registered it two to three months ago. This is God at work in my country..
  5. Repentance has seen people get cured from covid-19 without medication before taking them to hospital –  but they got healed while at home
  6. Repentance has helped us to see young people involved in the Great Commission…!!
  7. Repentance ministry has opened many doors for ministry within other nations around us  –  This is awesome..!!!
  8. Repentance ministry in Malawi is giving the hope to the hopeless communities – with the coming of the Bridal Hope Chest initiative.


In summary let me say in all this the enemy is fighting us and trying his best to stop this movement in different battle fields, but we thank God that we are winning on our unity. We are also winning in resources (funding). And we also won when my house was about to be destroyed by the floods.

We also believe we will win on mobility which is also a challenge at the moment due to movements across the country, using public transport is a hassle, considering our age, but by faith we see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I and my brother Edward, we always say God is doing a new thing in preparation for the second coming of the Bridegroom. We are delighted  to be part of this end-time movement (ministry)..!!! We are called and have been United to accomplish His mission in Malawi and other nations of the world.

This morning l received a call from Apostle Josophat Banda inviting me saying, he has organized a Youth conference after next month, from all his churches to gather at one place…

Yes God is on the move – and l will send you the details soon.

We will continue to support this vision  –   we bless all people who are participating in kind and prayers:

Praise God for you all and the USA National Day of Repentance for support rendered to us..!!!

~~ AMEN ~~

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