Global Day of Repentance – In Alignment with Pentecost Week
Global Day of Repentance – In Alignment with Pentecost Week, Focusing on the Youth
Please join us on the Evening of Wednesday the 27th of May for a 24hour Global Day of Repentance and Prayer – in alignment of Pentecost Week – and on the eve of Shavuot (“Feast of Weeks”), where we will be focusing specifically on our Youth – as they are the Future Generation, and in the Words of Bishop Joseph “Our God is a Generational God. When He speaks to you He sees the next generation after you…”
Therefore, We want to invite you to join us in Repentance especially for the “error of forgetting the youth in the past” – and to focus in prayer for them that they will be “included” in all of the Work of the Kingdom, teaching them from a young age, what Repentance and Humbleness is, and how to Usher in God’s Kingdom into their Nation.
For more information – please view the Global Day of Repentance Website, where you can also register and stay informed with all our future plans… And Please also Download the 24 Repentance and Prayer Points to assist you in what to Repent, Pray and Intercede for the Youth of Malawi… But not just for the Youth of Malawi, but also pray for all the Youth in every nation across the world. Let’s trust God, that through Repentance and Prayer, that He will touch the lives of every child, teenager and young adult and draw them to Him, creating a hunger in their hearts for Him, and start a Revival in the Earth through them…
THUS: To show our commitment to this Global Day of Repentance – we have also started an Events Page for the Youth of the National Repentance Malawi Ministry – where you can view all future events planned for the Youth of Malawi, in reaching and growing them through Teaching, Ministry and Repentance.
Please have a look at our new Page – and let us know what you think… And please come back on a regular basis and Pray with us, for each Event Planned…
May God Protect our Youth – and Bless the Nation of Malawi..!!!
~~ AMEN ~~